Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Terrible Monday

Yesterday was one terrible day for my family.

My son - autistic (verbally cannot communicate), almost 7 years old, got left in school to be all alone for 3 hours - by one of the maids we have! The maid was not to blame - but we still can't fathom why she left him in the school premises when it was empty. School was closed yesterday (Parsi New Year) but we forgot all about it - I had office, my wife had her classes.

We are grateful to God that he came back all right - the gate was closed so he could not run out. But he was all alone for 3 hours and we can't imagine what he went through mentally. The security guard called wife's mobile - but she was in classes and mobile was on silent; they called residence - but because of lack of good communication the maids could not understand why they had called.

After that we were awake all night - he had 102+ fever - cold compress, Crocin......we did not have the mind and heart to go for a celeb book success party.


Deepanjan Ghosh said...

Kaushik da!!! never expected you'd have a blog!!! good stuff.....keep it going.

Kaushik Ghosh said...

Hey can you identify yourself?

Unknown said...


Feeling bad abt Judlu for that day. On the other hand, he is blessed with parents such as u and Konkona and he knows that!


sumo said...

Kaushik,These things happen,take it as an accident within your busy schedule;but be careful henceforth.Children are very delicte to handle.