Friday, March 7, 2008

Liberate us from Liberals

In India - LIBERALS are a strange breed.

In their world, LIBERALISM is all about rights of Muslims. Hindus be damned. This, in a country of overwhelming Hindu dominance. Someone famously said - Liberals will exist in India till Hindus have their way. If ever, God forbid, India becomes a Muslim dominated country - that will be the death of Liberals. What Liberals forget is that Islam is a patently orthodox religion that does not brook dissent. For a Muslim a non-Muslim is an Infidel. For a Muslim salvation lies in eradicating Infidels. If a non-Muslim converts to Islam, it is of course divine intervention. If a Muslim converts to any other religion, especially in the fount of the religion Saudi Arabia, the result is the death penalty. I think Indian Liberals should go and stay for sometime in a Muslim dominated country. They will soon realise the difference between Muslims and Hindus and come running back with their tails between their legs.

When I read about the fracas in Chennai around a painting exhibition that depicted Aurangzeb to be a killer and destroyer of Hindus, I was amused to no end. The painting exhibition abruptly closed because some character called the Nawab of Arcot protested and said that it hurts Muslim sentiments. As usual our Liberal Brigade has not uttered a single word in protest because they are SCARED of Muslims and the Muslim backlash. Since Hindus will not necessarily come onto streets in hordes shouting Allah U Akbar for the slightest provocation, it is good for Liberals to defend M F Husain or any other charlatan who merrily insult Hindus and Hinduism.

The painting exhibition in Chennai depicted the truth. Aurangzeb WAS a bloodthirsty ruler whose main ambition was to convert everyone in sight to Islam. He brutally murdered Hindus and Sikhs (including one of the Sikh Gurus). If a painting exhibition depicts the bloody truth, why do Muslims get sensitive? Why does the Nawab of Arcot get sensitive? Do they still believe that they are destined to rule India? They have to accept the fact that Muslims were invaders. They ruled over the Hindu subjects for ages and Hindus resented it. The Mughal Emperors were not Indians but they were invaders. Many Hindus converted to Islam because of the terror unleashed on them, and not ONLY for the caste inequities as is made out to be by Marxist historians.

But this is India. It is therefore a matter of shame that there is a prominent road named after Aurangzeb in New Delhi.

In India Freedom of Speech is not enshrined in the Constitution as a Inviolable Right like the United States. Even newspapers are propounding the use of Sec 153A of the IPC to curb "hate speech". We need Freedom of Speech. It cannot be conditional. It should apply to all equally without fear or favour. Only then we can say that we believe in the rights of people. Will the Liberals dare to fight for this? I don't think so. The Liberals in India are Liberals only in their eyes. They do not and cannot accept different points of view; especially if it is the Hindu viewpoint. It is a national shame that such people are occupying powerful positions in Government and Media. We need a freedom movement to liberate us from Liberals.

Jai Hind.


Riya said...

KG - the people protesting against the Saraswati depictions by MF Hussain were hindus. The people who stripped and beat up 2 men for slaughtering cows for beef in Karnataka, were hindus. The people who don't allow my friend Gul Khan to get a decent house on rent in Mumbai are hindus. The people who're asking practically the entire north Indian film fraternity to leave mumbai - are hindus.

Liberals are not pro muslim and anti hindu. Liberals are anti any sort of fanaticism. They are as disgusted by Islamic fanatacism as they are by Hindu intolerance. Why the hell should the liberals go and live in a muslim dominated country? They already know how miserable things are there. Any sort of intolerant autocratic dictatorship is unacceptable for those who stand up for liberalism.

Muslim liberals have written against Islamic intolerance. Hindu liberals have protested against the RSS Bajrang Dal way of being. This is not a fight about hindus vs muslims. Its a fight for freedom and choice. If muslims are in the wrong, Indian liberals - regardless of which community they belong to - roundly condemn that. As they do when the Shiv Sainiks attack Taslima.

KG, there is nothing called a hindu liberal and a muslim liberal. There are just liberals and there are fanatics. And fantacism is a disease plaguing the entire world. Not just in religion but in every aspect of 'us versus them' situations. Region, religion, colour, race, community, and even gender.

The intolerant fanatic calls the liberal a 'pansy fool'.

The intolerant fanatic calls the working woman a 'slut'.

The intolerant fanatic calls the homosexual a 'queer'.

The intolerant fanatic calls love marriage 'whoring'.

And, the intolerant fanatic calls the autistic child 'mad'.

The intolerant fanatic is everywhere KG. He is a many headed poisonous hydra with no affiliation to any religion or creed, except his own unresolved issues and aggressions and hatred. He does not have any in depth understanding of the subtler, more sensitive issues plaguing the world. He has no concept of grey areas. Of things not always being open and shut; black or white. He does not understand that human life is frail, vulnerable, many textured and difficult to pass sweeping judgments on. He does not understand this beautiful blessing we have, called 'life': a joy that lies outside the scope of moral and immoral, right and wrong.

He does not need your support or your vote KG. Because he is nobody's friend.

Unknown said...

Kaushik, this is disturbing to say the least. It's like painting all muslims as evil which is certainly not the case. specially after living in bombay where the new brand of hindutva is rearing it's ugly head, i for one think sanity is the need of the hour. This city has taught me that focussing on yourself, on making money and doing your bit for society is what matters. fanatics and fundamentalists, whichever religion or creed they belong to, should be condemned and then ignored.